The House Majority PAC, a left-leaning super PAC, has a new ad going up in Congressional District 2.
The 30-second ad, titled “Don’t believe,” focuses on Republican congressional candidates Martha McSally.
Matt Thornton, a spokesperson for the House Majority PAC, said locals shouldn’t trust the former US Air Force colonel, stating she supports the interests on wealthy donors.
“Martha McSally has a hidden agenda aimed at doing more for her billionaire supporters the wealthy than average Arizonans,” said Thornton. “From wanting to privatize Social Security and raising the retirement age to turning Medicare into a voucher system, McSally’s priorities are wrong for Arizona.”
The group has spent roughly $67,000 to air the ad this week and will run on broadcast television stations.
McSally Campaign Spokesman Patrick Ptak said the retired Air Force colonel is dedicated to protecting seniors’ benefits and oppose fellow Republican Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan because it “experiments with Medicare.”
Nancy Pelosi is desperately trying to save her most loyal yes-man, Ron Barber, but even independent fact-checkers have debunked these false attacks and labeled them ‘scare-seniors’ tactics,” Ptak said.
(Unidentified senior #1, on camera)
“Don’t believe the attacks against Ron Barber.”
(Unidentified senior #, on camera)
“I’m worried about Martha McSally.”
(Unidentified senior #3, on camera)
“Martha McSally supported privatizing Social Security in the stock market.”
(Unidentified senior #4, on camera)
“And Martha McSally wants to raise the retirement age.”
(Unidentified senior #2, on camera)
“McSally even supported a plan that would have turned Medicare into a voucher system.”
(Unidentified senior #3, on camera)
“That would’ve cut benefits.”
(Unidentified couple, on camera)
“It’s good for the insurance companies. But not for us.”
(Unidentified senior #3, on camera)
“Martha McSally: she’s just not for us.”
(Narrator, off camera)
“The House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this message.”