Dem super-PAC spends $2.2 million in NY-18, CA-26

August 17, 2012

House Majority PAC, a pro-Democratic House super-PAC, on Thursday announced a $2.2 million ad buy in two Republican-controlled districts. 

The ad buy comes atop a $23 million campaign in 43 other districts around the country, bringing the total spending to about $25 million, according to the super-PAC. 

The group is putting in $1 million in California’s 26th district to help Assemblywoman Julia Brownley win retiring Rep. Elton Gallegly’s (R) seat and $1.2 million in New York to help former First Deputy Secretary to the Governor Sean Patrick Maloney unseat Rep. Nan Hayworth (R). 

House Majority PAC spent roughly $700,000, mostly on TV ads, in the primary for Brownley. 

The super-PAC is also touting a recent poll by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner showing the New York race essentially tied, 48 percent for Hayworth to Maloney with 45. Analysis from the polling firm says that Hayworth is “in deep trouble.” That poll was taken among 500 registered voters and had a sampling error of plus or minus 4.38 percentage points.