Democratic PAC goes after House Freshmen in New Ads

August 12, 2011

Washington (CNN) – Three House Republicans are the targets of a new series of political ads purchased by House Majority PAC, a Democratic group focused on regaining control of the House of Representatives.

The group is going after three lawmakers: Republican Reps. Tim Griffin of Arkansas, Scott Tipton of Colorado, and Chip Cravaack of Minnesota. All three are serving their first term in Congress.

“The American people are disgusted with House Republicans’ misguided priorities and votes to throw middle class families under the bus,” Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of House Majority PAC, said in a statement Friday. “Whether it’s ethics problems or voting for tax loopholes to keep corporate profits sky high, protecting profits for companies that ship jobs to China, or ending Medicare as we know it, House Republicans have plenty to answer for back home this August recess.”

In their release, House Majority PAC notes that the ad purchase cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In the ad targeting Tipton, a narrator derides the congressman for saying that coming to Congress “clouds your vision.” Tipton made that comment earlier this month in debate on raising the federal debt ceiling, making the point that some lawmakers forget about small businesses when they come to Congress. House Majority PAC linked to the full speech in their release.

The ad goes on to show headlines from Colorado newspapers saying “Tipton money goes to nephew’s company” and “Tipton may have violated ethics rules.”

House Majority PAC is one of several Democratic independent-expenditure groups formed within the last year. The organization is considered a Super PAC, meaning that corporations and unions can contribute unlimited amounts of money to the group.