Democratic PAC uses ‘loud’ Joe Walsh in ads against Dold, Biggert

October 9, 2012

A pro-Democratic group is using video cuts of the “loud,” politically incorrect Tea Partier Joe Walsh to turn up the volume against him and two other Republicans in three key Chicago-area races.

Walsh’s bluster is the centerpiece of a new spot, which is part of a $2.4 million ad buy attacking the north suburban congressman, and two other Republicans who are targeted by Democrats.

“Don’t blame banks! I am tired of hearing that crap!” Walsh is seen imploring on a video of him talking to 8th Congressional District residents.

In another clip he’s shown saying: “‘I want America to pay for my contraceptives.’ You’re kidding me. Go get a job!”

Clearly viewing Illinois as fertile ground to win over congressional seats, the House Majority PAC, which aims to put Democrats back into the lead in Washington, on Tuesday disclosed it had pumped $2.4 million into the three U.S. House races — in the 8th, 10th and 11th congressional districts.

One video, titled “Loud” links Walsh to U.S. Representatives Bob Dold and Judy Biggert. While Walsh is a Tea Partier through and through, Dold and Biggert are far more moderate. Still, the ad, which, according to the House Majority PAC, “will run in heavy rotation for two weeks,” on cable and broadcast TV, links the three as equally “out of step” — even though it plays video snippets of only Walsh talking.

The cut of Walsh saying “Go get a job,” was a partial quote. The full quote was “Go get a job, Sandra Fluke.”

Fluke is the woman who testified before Congress about affordable birth control, only to be berated by conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh as a “slut.”

The HousePAC is banking on Walsh being so unpopular in Illinois that he will help sink Biggert and Dold.

Walsh is a beneficiary of a huge media buy from a SuperPAC that poured more than $1.7 million into his race against Tammy Duckworth.

Roll Call reported that a poll taken in mid-August by the Tarrance Group showed Walsh and Duckworth in a statistical tie. Democrats have reported far wider margins, including numbers released Monday that show Duckworth 10 points ahead.

Two other spots are also in the mix. One targets Biggert directly and another targets Dold.

Both Biggert and her Democratic challenger in the west suburban 11th Congressional District expressed frustration at the negative ads already in circulation.

“Going negative moves numbers,” an upset Biggert said in a Monday interview.

The campaign of her Democratic opponent, Bill Foster, recently rebutted a TV spot that accused him of layoffs and sending jobs overseas. His spot pointed out that he helped build a Midwest company that provides manufacturing jobs.

The new ad targeting Biggert features someone painting white-out over her head in various photos, saying she has tried hiding that she is Republican.

A portion of the $2.4 million will be used to target Dold in ads to begin running next week. He is trying to fend off a challenge from Democrat Brad Schneider in the north suburban 10th Congressional District.