Democratic super PAC releases web video re: John Koster’s “love affair” with Rush Limbaugh

August 27, 2012

This post was updated at 11:47 a.m. with a response from Koster’s campaign:

WASHINGTON – Is Rush Limbaugh a celebrated “national resource” or a racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-science zealot?

A Democratic super PAC has created a web video  linking the controversial radio host to Republican John Koster, part of an effort to depict the Snohomish County Councilman and 1st Congressional District candidate as a far-right extremist.

The 90-second video released by House Majority PAC highlights a resolution Koster co-sponsored as a state lawmaker in 1995 honoring Limbaugh as “the epitome of morality and virtue” and praising him for “performing ‘libosuction’ on young skulls full of mush and firing lethal shots with devastating aim at the whole spectrum of liberal ideologies.”

Video link: 

The video then shows Limbaugh doubling down on the furor he ignited this spring after verbally attacking Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University student who testified before Congress in support of insurance coverage for contraceptives.

Fluke and other “feminazis,” Limbaugh says, “are having so much sex they can’t afford birth control pills.”

If taxpayers are subsidizing coverage and thus paying for them to have sex,  “we want something for it. We want you to post the videos online so we can watch,” he added.

Koster is running for the 1st District seat vacated by Democrat Jay Inslee, who is running for governor. As the lone Republican in a seven-person primary race, Koster won 44.9 percent of votes. He will face Suzan DelBene, a Democratic establishment favorite and a millionaire former Microsoft executive, in November. DelBene finished second with 22.5 percent of votes, followed by 13.9 percent for the more liberal candidate Darcy Burner.

“The extent of his affection for Rush Limbaugh — who Koster praised as a “national resource” — shows just how out of touch John Koster is with Washington voters,” House Majority PAC Executive Director Alixandria Lapp said in a statement.

House Majority PAC is a super PAC created to retake the Democratic majority in the U.S. House. It can accept unlimited contributions from corporations and unions and operates independently of candidates’ campaigns.

Larry Stickney, Koster’s campaign manager, responded with this statement:

“We now have a country where more than 46 million people are on food stamps because of the failed “progressive” economic policies that Suzan DelBene espouses.  The attacks on Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party are right out of the Democratic Party’s playbook for 2012 as they seek to divert attention from the job-killing economic meltdown they have engineered. Outside of pleasing the Party faithful and DelBene’s elitist social circles, this amateurish web video will be ineffective in swaying the voters’ opinions.”