Democratic super PAC seeks to raise money off Jeb Bush’s ‘anti-everything’ scolding of GOP

March 25, 2013

A Democratic super PAC has turned Jeb Bush’s CPAC speech bemoaning Republicans for being “anti-everything” into a fundrasing appeal.

House Majority PAC produced this video as it prepares for the 2014 elections. “We saw Jeb Bush’s remarks at the ultra conservative CPAC event about the GOP’s new ‘brand’ and we couldn’t help but give it a shot of the truth,” the group said.

Bush’s remarks drew tepid response at CPAC and stood in contrast to many other speakers, who seemed to reject the notion the party needs to change. Sen.  Marco Rubio, a day before Bush took the stage, got the loudest applause of his speech for saying, “We don’t need a new idea. There is an idea, the idea is called America, and it still works.”