HMP and AFSCME Release New Ad in MN-08

July 24, 2014

Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC and AFSCME today announced that they are jointly releasing a new ad in MN08 hitting Republican candidate Stewart Mills over his comment that he finds it “personally offensive” asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share in taxes.

HMP is running this ad on Duluth broadcast and Minneapolis cable at a cost of approximately $40,000. AFSCME is running it on Minneapolis broadcast at a cost of approximately $110,000. The ad will begin airing Friday.

The ad with the HMP disclaimer can be viewed here:

A version of this ad with the AFSCME disclaimer appears where appropriate.

“Stewart Mills is trying to use his inherited millions to buy another toy to play with, a seat in congress. While Minnesotans are struggling to pay their bills, Mills opposes raising the minimum wage while pushing for additional tax breaks for millionaires like him,” said Matt Thornton, Communications Director for House Majority PAC.

“It is offensive how out of touch with the lives of Minnesota families Stewart Mills is.  His agenda is clear; he opposes raising the minimum wage and wants to give another tax break to wealthy campaign donors and corporate CEOs, all at the expense of Minnesota’s working families,” remarked AFSCME Assistant Political Director Seth Johnson.