HMP Calls on Emmer and McCarthy to Withdraw Support for Ted Howze, CLF Should Commit to Withholding Support

May 21, 2020

In new reporting released today, Politico found “at least a dozen additional posts from Howze’s account over a two-year period espous[ing] conspiracy theories, suggest[ing] Hillary Clinton and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) are responsible for murder, or denigrat[ing] Dreamers, Islam and the Black Lives Matter movement. As of Tuesday afternoon, they were accessible on his personal Facebook account.”
House Majority PAC released the following statement today after POLITICO’s second report on racist and divisive statements posted to CA-10 candidate Ted Howze’s social media channels:
“Ted Howze has repeatedly posted racist and offensive comments to his social media channels, and it’s time for Republican leadership to withdraw their support for his candidacy in CA-10, especially now that it appears he may have lied to reporters about who is responsible for those posts,” said Abby Curran Horrell, executive director of House Majority PAC. “Even Ted Howze called his own statements ‘negative and ugly ideas,’ which makes us wonder why Republican leadership is still silent. Rep. Tom Emmer and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy should rescind their support for Howze’s campaign and join us in calling on him to drop out. 
“Further, the Congressional Leadership Fund should commit to withholding support from Howze’s campaign if he refuses to drop out. Continued support of any kind for his campaign is an endorsement of his divisive and racist conspiracy theories.”