HMP Launches New Ads in Five Districts, New Poll in NJ-02
September 22, 2020
NJ-02 (Van Drew)
House Majority PAC is launching a new ad highlighting all the ways party-switching Jeff Van Drew can’t be trusted, and it turns out there are plenty. While pledging his “undying support” to Donald Trump, Van Drew has repeatedly voted against the interests of his constituents in New Jersey’s Second District.
The ad is launching as new polling from HMP shows Amy Kennedy leading Jeff Van Drew by a margin of 48-43. Meanwhile, Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in the district by a margin of 50-46.
The ad is linked here and the script is below.
:30 TV
Who is Jeff Van Drew this year?
Whoever he needs to be to get elected.
New Van Drew switched parties and raked in over a half million dollars from big business and special interest groups.
He votes with them now too, and against tax cuts for homeowners and the Covid relief New Jersey needs.
He’ll say anything to help himself.
Van Drew: “You have my undying support”
But Jeff Van Drew won’t do a thing to help you.
House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.
VA-07 (Freitas)
House Majority PAC is launching a new ad in Virginia’s 7th District, highlighting Nick Freitas’ votes against healthcare funding for children with autism. In 2019, Virginia passed a bill extending funding for healthcare for kids with autism over the age of 10 and Nick Freitas was the only delegate to vote against it. In 2020, Freitas voted against a different bill to expand insurance coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism. Again, he was the only delegate to vote against the bill.
The ad is available here and the script is below. The ad will run in Richmond.
“Just One”
TV :30
It’s how Virginia government is supposed to work.
Republicans and Democrats came together to pass a law requiring insurance companies cover children with autism, no matter how old they are.
It was almost unanimous.
Just one delegate voted no. Nick Freitas.
Nick Freitas was the only delegate to vote against health coverage for children with autism.
And he did it twice.
We can’t let Nick Freitas go to Congress.
House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this ad.
NY-01 (Zeldin)
House Majority PAC is launching a new ad in New York’s 1st District, highlighting Lee Zeldin’s votes against coverage for pre-existing conditions and lowering drug prices while taking more than half a million dollars from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
The ad is available here and the script is below.
TV :30
We can fix health care, if we listen to medical science.
But Lee Zeldin listened to insurance companies and voted to repeal protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
Lee Zeldin listened to drug companies and voted to block Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices.
The insurance and drug industries gave Lee Zeldin half a million dollars … and he listened to them.
Nancy Goroff’s a scientist.
She’ll listen to facts. Not special interests.
House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.
MN-01 (Hagedorn)
After 25 years in Washington, Jim Hagedorn has let it get to him. House Majority PAC is running a new ad in Minnesota’s 1st District showing all the ways Hagedorn represents what’s wrong with Washington. Highlighting Hagedorn’s votes against lowering the cost of prescription drugs, voting against protecting coverage for pre-existing conditions and negotiating sweetheart deals with his cronies, the ad makes clear that Jim Hagedorn simply isn’t looking out for Minnesota.
The ad is available here and the script is below. The ad will run in Rochester, Manketto and La Crosse.
TV :30
After 25 years in Washington, Jim Hagedorn is the swamp.
Hagedorn voted with his drug and insurance industry donors…
Against lowering the cost of prescription drugs…
And against protections for pre-existing conditions.
And Hagedorn is accused of violating house rules for funneling $440,000 in taxpayer money to his cronies.
Jim Hagedorn is what’s wrong with Washington.
House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.
CA-21 (Valadao)
House Majority PAC is launching a new ad today highlighting all the different ways David Valadao is out of touch on the issue of healthcare. Whether voting with Trump 99 percent of the time, working to eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions or even creating an “age tax” that would charge older Californians more for health coverage, David Valadao has consistently failed to make healthcare more affordable or more accessible for his constituents.
The ad is available here and the script is below.
TV :30
It’s not personal, just a fact.
That Republican David Valadao voted with Trump ninety-nine percent of the time.
Now, your health care? That’s personal.
Valadao voted with Trump to gut protections for patients with pre-existing conditions.
And create an “Age Tax” that would leave older Californians paying five times more than others for health coverage.
It’s why we voted David Valadao out two years ago.
Because, David, what you’ve done is personal – to us.
House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.