HMP Reveals Rodney Davis’ Disastrous Voting Record
October 23, 2018
Washington, DC – Today, House Majority PAC launched a new TV ad revealing Rodney Davis’ disastrous voting record that hurts hardworking Illinois families.
Davis has taken $4.5 million from special interests and voted for the toxic GOP agenda that puts the ultra-rich ahead of the middle class. He voted for the devastating health care bill that would gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions and impose a punishing “Age Tax” on older Americans. Davis also backed the toxic tax plan that gives massive tax breaks to the ultra-rich and wealthy special interests while raising taxes on the middle class and adding nearly $2 trillion to the debt. To pay for it, Washington politicians intend to make deep cuts to Medicare and Social Security.
“Game” begins running on cable and broadcast today in both the Champaign and St. Louis media markets with a buy of approximately $1.1 million behind it.
“Rodney Davis is just another D.C. politician – looking out for the special interests and turning his back on hardworking Illinois families,” said House Majority PAC Press Secretary Hannah Blatt. “Time and again, Davis has voted to raise taxes and increase health care costs, all while giving massive tax breaks to his ultra-rich and special interest donors. It’s clear, Rodney Davis has lost touch with Illinois, and voters can no longer trust him in Washington.”