HMP Showcases Wendy Rogers’ Extreme Views on Social Security
October 23, 2018
Washington, DC – Today, House Majority PAC launched a new TV ad that exposes Wendy Rogers for wanting to end Social Security.
Rogers has publicly come out against Social Security, saying “I’d like to see it phased out.” She also supports the toxic Washington tax plan that gives massive tax breaks to the ultra-rich. To pay for it, her allies in Washington now want to make massive cuts to Social Security.
“Believe Her” begins running on cable and broadcast today in the Phoenix media market with a buy of approximately $451,000 behind it.
“Hardworking Arizonans have earned and depend on their Social Security benefits, but if Wendy Rogers and her allies in Washington have their way, this critical program would be in jeopardy,” said House Majority PAC Hannah Blatt. “That’s why voters will reject Wendy Rogers and her out-of-touch views that hurt Arizona.”