HMP Statement Congratulating the Winners of the NC Democratic Primaries

May 9, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority PAC Executive Director Charlie Kelly issued the following statement congratulating the winners of tonight’sDemocratic Congressional primaries in North Carolina: 

“Congratulations to the terrific Democratic Congressional candidates across North Carolina including Dan McCready (NC-09) and Kathy Manning (NC-13) for winning the nomination in their districts. These leaders, who will carry the Democratic banner into November, have proven records of service to our country and to their communities with backgrounds that range from the military to business and beyond. They’re running on the issues that North Carolinians care about – an economic agenda that lifts up the middle class – and they’re running to win. The choice they offer against their Republican opponents, some who already have voted in lock step for a disastrous agenda and others who obviously would, couldn’t be more stark. Voters in North Carolina and across the country are sending a clear message – it’s time for Congress to start working for the middle class.”