May 19, 2017
“Thankful” Shows Gianforte Is Just Looking Out For Millionaires Like Himself
Washington, D.C. – Today, House Majority PAC, the leading super PAC for House Democrats announced a new television ad, “Thankful,” that will begin airing statewide in Montana, tomorrow, Saturday, May 20th. The spot contrasts New Jersey millionaire Greg Gianforte who praised a health care plan that includes an “age tax” and increases costs for preexisting conditions with Rob Quist who has first-hand experience dealing with a medical issue following surgery and personally understands the challenges facing Montanans. Moreover, “Thankful” makes clear that Gianforte is fine charging Montanans more for their health care just to give tax breaks to millionaires like himself.
“’Thankful’ makes clear what we’ve known about New Jersey Millionaire Greg Gianforte for a long time – he’s simply looking out for millionaires like himself,” said Charlie Kelly, Executive Director of House Majority PAC. “While Rob Quist understands the challenges facing Montana families firsthand, Gianforte is just fine with a health care plan that increases costs for Montana families so long as it gives him and his rich friends a giant tax cut.”