House Majority PAC, BOLD PAC hit TV in key CA-24 primary

May 17, 2016

By Elena Schneider 

House Majority PAC and the political arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are spending $300,000 backing Democrat Salud Carbajal and blasting Republican Katcho Achadjian ahead of their June 7 House primary in California, where the possibility of Democrats splitting votes in the all-party, top-two primary has become a concern for some in the party.

House Majority PAC and CHC BOLD PAC released a pair of ads today, which will run on Santa Barbara broadcast and cable in California’s open 24th District, where Democratic Rep. Lois Capps is retiring. A Spanish-language ad, “Familias,” compares Achadjian to Donald Trump on immigration while calling Carbajal a champion for a just immigration system.

Read more at POLITICO Pro.