House Majority PAC Launches New Ad Targeting Steve King’s Self-Serving Ways
October 26, 2012
Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC today unveiled a new TV ad targeting Steve King and his long record of looking out for himself and his national profile at the expense of Iowans.
In fact, in endorsing Christie Vilsack recently, the Des Moines Register made the argument against Steve King quite succinctly: “[He] seems to amuse himself by being as partisan and vitriolic as he can be. He has had 10 years in Washington to cultivate his inner-statesman, but he has failed to do so. It’s time for Iowa to make a change.”
The new spot, entitled “Our Time,” begins running today in Des Moines and will continue through Election Day at a cost of nearly $170,000.
“Our Time” is available here:
“Steve King has cultivated a well-deserved reputation for being a partisan firebrand on the national stage – but he’s done it at the expense of Iowans,” said Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of House Majority PAC. “King failed to support the small businesses and farms that make up the backbone of Iowa’s economy and, adding insult to injury, instead he backed tax breaks for companies that ship American jobs overseas while voting himself pay increase after pay increase. Iowans deserve someone who is fully invested in Iowa.”
House Majority PAC has invested nearly $600,000 in this district, running four ads in total. The first two – a positive spot about Christie Vilsack and a negative spot on Steve King – ran in July and August, and the cost was shared with AFSCME and SEIU. The third ad ran in mid-September. “Our Time” marks the fourth ad House Majority PAC has run in IA-04.