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House Majority PAC Launches New Television Ad in NJ-07

September 23, 2022

“Kean’s too extreme for Jersey.”

Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad against Tom Kean Jr. in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District. The new ad, ‘Every Step’, highlights Tom Kean Jr.’s record of voting to restrict abortion rights and reproductive healthcare in New Jersey.


‘Every Step’ Transcript: 

“For 20 years in Trenton, Tom Kean Jr. voted to restrict abortion rights and reproductive healthcare in New Jersey.

“‘Fighting every step of the way;”’ even on his last day in office, voting against protecting a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions.

“Now, Kean wants to join the MAGA Republicans in Washington who have promised to outlaw abortion nationwide.

“Kean’s too extreme for Jersey.”
