House Majority PAC Launches New Television Ads, Digital Ads, and Direct Mail in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington
September 20, 2022
Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC is launching new television ads, digital ads, and direct mail across 15 districts in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Do Right”, and digital ads highlighting Kelly Cooper’s support for defunding the FBI, Cooper comparing federal law enforcement agents to Nazis and the Gestapo, and for supporting an extremist with ties to the Proud Boys and Neo Nazis.
House Majority PAC is also launching a new digital ad, “Mission” highlighting Greg Stanton’s work with Democrats and Republicans to protect Arizona veterans.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Boss”, as well as Spanish and English language digital ads highlighting John Duarte being sued by his employees for refusing to pay wages he owed, not paying overtime, and denying his employees rest breaks and meal breaks.
House Majority PAC is launching new direct mail highlighting Brian Maryott’s support of overturning Roe v. Wade.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Some Days”, highlighting George Logan saying that we don’t need new gun safety laws, siding with the gun lobby, and voting against limiting bump stocks used in mass shootings.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Working”, highlighting Regan Deering being endorsed by extremists who want to ban abortion with no exceptions, and Nikki Budzinski’s work for Illinois’ families.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Company”, and digital ads highlighting Yvette Herrell voting to protect an extremist who supported executing other members of Congress and denied 9/11, and saying she was proud to sponsor a law banning abortion – specifically in cases of rape.
House Majority PAC is launching a new Spanish and English language digital ad titled, “Pro-Life”, highlighting radical extremist Mark Robertson’s applause for the Texas abortion law that does not allow any type of exceptions in the case of rape or incest, leaving victims even more vulnerable.
House Majority PAC is launching a new digital ad, “Lie”, highlighting how George Santos can’t be trusted in Congress.
House Majority PAC is launching a new digital ad, “Hard Work”, discussing how in Congress, Francis Conole will take on corporate special interests over price-gouging so families can thrive.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Long”, highlighting Steve Chabot’s work to help overturn Roe v. Wade, his sponsorship of a complete national ban on abortions with no exceptions for victims of rape and incest or to save a woman’s life, and his attempts to ban some forms of birth control.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Two Faced”, highlighting the two sides of Mike Erickson – saying that he opposes abortion and pushing to outlaw abortion, while his girlfriend said he encouraged and paid for her to have an abortion when she got pregnant.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Lying Lisa”, highlighting how Lisa Scheller shut down two U.S. factories, outsourced good-paying jobs to China, and made millions while outsourcing Pennsylvania jobs.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Billion Dollar”, and digital ads highlighting how Jeremy Shaffer sold us out to China.
House Majority PAC is also launching new direct mail highlighting Jeremy Shaffer’s support for banning abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.
House Majority PAC is launching a new television ad, “Tell You”, and digital ads highlighting Yesli Vega’s support for a total abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest and Vega’s comments saying she doubts a woman can even get pregnant from rape.
House Majority PAC is launching a new digital ad, “A Ban Here?”, highlighting Matt Larkin’s support for an extreme national abortion ban that would make abortion illegal in Washington.