House Majority PAC Launches New Website & 6-Figure Ad Offensive Against House Republicans
October 17, 2011
The House Majority PAC today is launching a new 6-figure paid advertising campaign against House Republicans for their shameful priorities. The ads target Representatives Dan Lungren (CA-03), Charlie Bass (NH-02), Bill Johnson (OH-06), and Sean Duffy (WI-07) and will be featured on House Majority PAC’s new website.
The new campaign offensive holds House Republicans accountable for protecting profits for companies that ship jobs overseas and for voting to lower taxes for Wall Street and millionaires while middle class families are struggling on Main Street. The ads start today and run for a week.
“Buyer’s remorse has clearly set-in with the American people over House Republicans and their shameful priorities,” said Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of House Majority PAC. “Whether it’s House Republicans protecting profits for companies that ship jobs overseas or lowering taxes for Wall Street while middle class families are struggling on Main Street, House Majority PAC will make sure Republicans have plenty to answer for back home next November.”
Watch the broadcast and cable TV ad targeting Republican Congressman Sean Duffy (WI-07)), entitled “Struggling.”