House Majority PAC Launches Spanish TV Ads Hitting Three Republicans On Their Anti-Immigrant Positions
July 18, 2013
Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC announced today that it will begin running Spanish-language television ads targeting vulnerable Republican Reps. Gary Miller (CA-31), Mike Coffman (CO-06) and Joe Heck (NV-03) over their anti-immigrant records. Just last week, House Republicans met to condemn the Senate’s bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform bill, arguing that it’s tantamount to amnesty. That meeting came on the heels of a vote by almost all House Republicans – including Miller, Coffman and Heck – to begin the deportation of 800,000 DREAM Act-eligible young people.
As part of a two-week, $175,000 ad campaign, the spots will air on Spanish-language broadcast stations in Los Angeles, Denver and Las Vegas.
“Republicans’ extreme records on immigration reform, capped off by their support for deporting DREAM Act-eligible young people, shows just how out of touch they are,” said Andy Stone, Communications Director for House Majority PAC. “With the American people looking for a sensible, rational approach to immigration reform, Gary Miller, Mike Coffman and Joe Heck are offering anything but.”
The ads focus on the members’ specific records, including Gary Miller’s ongoing campaign to whitewash his extreme immigration history (he previously advocated for the policy of self-deportation, popularized last year by Mitt Romney) and Mike Coffman’s sponsorship of the Birthright Citizenship Act.
All three of the members are top targets of House Majority PAC.
Below is information about each of the ads, including a Spanish script and English translation.
CO-06 spot: WATCH
VOICEOVER: Nos merecemos a un Congresista que haga lo correcto con respecto a la reforma migratoria. Pero mira el record de Mike Coffman. Patrocinó el Birthright Citizenship Act que eliminaría la ley que dice que niños que nacen en America son ciudadanos. Y Coffman dijo que el DREAM act sería una pesadilla para el pueblo Americano. Mike Coffman, te estamos viendo… ¿Continuarás del lado de los extremistas que se oponen a la reforma? ¿O por fin nos representarás? El House Majority PAC es responsible por el contenido de este anuncio.
VOICEOVER: We deserve a Congressman who’s going to do what’s right on immigration reform. But look at Mike Coffman’s record. Coffman co-sponsored the Birthright Citizenship Act. To eliminate the longstanding law that children born in America, are citizens of America. And Coffman said the DREAM Act would be a nightmare for the American people. Mike Coffman, we’re watching… Will you continue to side with extremists who oppose reform? Or will you finally represent us? House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.
NV-03 spot: WATCH
UNIVISION CLIP: Republicanos en el Capitolio y en conversaciones privadas pronostican una “muerte lenta” para la reforma migratoria.
VOICEOVER: El Congresista Heck y sus amigos Republicanos extremos son parte del problema. Heck votó para deportar a DREAMers — traídos aqui cuando eran niños. Y ha dicho que se opone a la reforma migratoria pasada por el Senado. Dile al Congresista Heck que deje el lado de los Republicanos extremos que bloquéan una reforma migratoria justa. El House Majority PAC es responsible por el contenido de este anuncio.
UNIVISION CLIP: Republicans in the Capitol and in private conversations forecast a ‘slow death’ for immigration reform.
VOICEOVER: Congressman Heck and his extreme Republican friends are part of the problem. Heck voted to deport DREAMers – brought here as children. And has said he opposes the comprehensive immigration reform passed by the Senate. Tell Congressman Heck to stop siding with extreme Republicans blocking real immigration reform. House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.
CA-31 spot: WATCH
VOICEOVER: Este es el video que Gary miller retiró del internet y trató de seconder:
FOX NEWS CLIP: “Hay 8 millones de ilegales trabajando en este país. No es justo que estén tomando los empleos de los Americanos.”
VOICEOVER: Miller votó en contra del “DREAM Act” y para deportar 800,000 jóvenes inmigrantes. Incluso quiere negar la ciudadanía a hijos de indocumentados nacidos en Estados Unidos. Con ese récord, Gary Miller es quién debería irse. House Majority PAC es responsable por el contenido de este anuncio.
VOICEOVER: This is the video Gary Miller removed from the web and tried to hide:
FOX NEWS CLIP: “8 million illegals working in this country. There’s no justification for allowing them to take American jobs.”
VOICEOVER: That’s not all. Miller voted against the DREAM Act and to deport 800,000 young immigrants. He even wants to deny citizenship to the children of foreigners born in the U.S. With that record, Gary Miller is the one who needs to go. House Majority PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.