House Majority PAC Releases Third Ad in WV-03

March 17, 2014

Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC today released its third ad in the WV-03 race. In this ad, Rick Ryan of Sod,W.Va., who spent 35 years working in the Mountain State’s coal mines, is joined by his wife, Terri, to explain why Evan Jenkins is wrong for West Virginia. 

Worry” started running Saturday, March 15 in both the Charleston-Huntington and Bluefield-Beckley markets, joining the current ad, “Stick,” on the air. House Majority PAC’s ad buy will be extended by an approximately $60,000 for the week starting March 18.

The ad is available here:

“There is no doubt that the Koch brothers will spend mountains of cash to try and convince West Virginians that insurance company ‘shill’ Evan Jenkins has their best interests at heart, but Rick and Terri know that just isn’t true,” said Matt Thornton, Communications Director for House Majority PAC. “From repealing black lung benefits to allowing insurance companies to charge women more for health care, Jenkins’s agenda is wrong for West Virginia.”

Over the last five months alone, Democrat Nick Rahall has faced well over a million dollars worth of false and misleading Koch brothers-funded attacks.

House Majority PAC’s first spot in this race, which aired in December, is available here:

The second can be found here: