House Majority PAC Runs Paid Offensive Against Francisco Canseco for Gutting Medicare
April 27, 2011
The House Majority PAC is currently running a paid advertising offensive this week against Representative Francisco Canseco who recently voted to gut Medicare for our seniors to pay for trillions in new budget-busting tax breaks for millionaires and big corporations. The ad runs through Friday.
“Representative Francisco Canseco is breaking the trust our country has with its seniors by ending Medicare as we know it, making them pay more for prescriptions drugs, and by forcing them to turn to the private health insurance market,” said Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of House Majority PAC. “House Republicans like Francisco Canseco have no problem asking Texas seniors, middle class families and veterans to make sacrifices, yet refuse to do the same for big corporations and millionaires who would receive trillions in new tax breaks.”