House Majority PAC Slams Chip Cravaack for Standing Against Middle Class, Gutting Medicare
June 24, 2011
On Friday, the House Majority PAC is launching a new ad offensive against Republican Congressman Chip Cravaack in Minnesota’s 8th District.
“Congressman Chip Cravaack is the type of politician that likes to talk about shared sacrifice at the same time he makes Minnesota taxpayers foot the bill for his brand new luxury SUV,” said Ali Lapp, Executive Director of the House Majority PAC. “To make matters worse, Cravaack voted to end Medicare as we know it and stick Minnesota seniors with $6400 more in health care costs in order to protect billions in subsidies for big oil and pay for a $200,000 tax break for millionaires.”
The new ad highlights Cravaack’s vote for the House Republican budget that essentially ends Medicare and increases the national debt by providing budget-busting tax breaks for millionaires. The ad plays off the fact that Cravaack has been under fire back home for spending thousands in taxpayer funds to lease a brand new luxury SUV.
The offensive starts on June 24th and runs through June 30th on cable television. The House Majority PAC ran a radio ad against Cravaack in April for his vote to essentially end Medicare.