House Majority PAC: The Truth About Rothfus (Watch Video)
August 21, 2012
House Majority PAC has announced a $200,000, two-week ad buy that will air in the Pittsburgh media market starting today.
The new TV ad, “Problem” aims to “tell the truth” about GOP candidate Keith Rothfus, challenger to incumbent Rep. Mark Critz (D-Cambria) in PA-12.
A press release for the PAC said Rothfus is no “regular guy” – a knock on the candidate whose new ad, released Friday, shows the father of six mowing the grass, grilling in his backyard and doing everyday things at home.
The ad attempts to portray Rothfus as a millionaire lawyer who fought for bank bailouts, proving he is out of touch with the needs of everyday people.
This ad paints a different picture.
“Millionaire Wall Street lawyer Keith Rothfus will fit right in, in Washington,” a narrator says in an ominous tone.
“Big banks brought our economy to the brink, and then begged Washington for a bailout. As a wealthy attorney, Keith Rothfus represented a Wall Street bank that received a bailout from taxpayers.”
The ad ends with a shot of Rothfus in grainy black-and-white footage and asks, “Wall Street lawyer Keith Rothfus. How can you be part of the solution, when you’re already part of the problem?”
Rothfus’ Campaign Manager Jon Raso said the ad shows a desperate attempt by Critz and his allies to save the Congressman’s career.
“Keith Rothfus worked in the private sector with a local Pittsburgh law firm and served a number of clients in negotiations with small and large companies in their efforts to expand and create jobs. Demonizing a company that employs 7,500 workers in southwestern Pennsylvania while failing as a Congressman to create jobs by supporting big-government economic policies sounds like a shameful line right out of President Obama’s playbook,” Raso said.
“Keith Rothfus has the knowledge and experience that will create jobs and pull the workers of southwestern Pennsylvania out of the doldrums of the chronically over 8 percent unemployment of the Obama/Critz economy.”
The PAC’s Executive Director Alixandria Lapp echoed the tone of the ad, holding firm to the idea that no matter Rothfus’ experience he still isn’t looking out for the district.
“Keith Rothfus may claim to be a regular guy, but the truth is that this millionaire Wall Street attorney – who worked for a Wall Street bank that took billions in taxpayer money – backs a plan that would essentially end Medicare, forcing seniors to pay more, while cutting taxes for the wealthy and big corporations,” she said.
Lapp’s reference is likely to the Ryan budget, a now common talking point for Democrats.
While most Dems use a specific figure of $6,000 or $6,400 (the amount seniors would have to pay out of pocket for medical coverage), says that the Congressional Budget Office has yet to analyze any specific cost.
However, there could be reduced access to health care, lower quality or less investment in health care and increased efficiency of health care delivery. Most of this is due to lower costs, and any combination of these scenarios is possible.