House Majority PAC To Target DesJarlais In TN-04

October 19, 2012

Explosive Revelations About DesJarlais’ Behavior Making This Race Competitive

Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC announced that it would begin running a TV ad in TN-04 targeting Republican Congressman Scott DesJarlais. DesJarlais is the pro-life, family values Tennessee doctor and sitting Congressman who had an affair with his patient that he then encouraged to get an abortion.

DesJarlais has faced intense criticism after it was revealed last week that DesJarlais himself taped the conversation he had with his former patient in which he pushed her to seek an abortion. Recent polling suggests that the explosive DesJarlais revelations have turned this into a competitive Congressional race.

The spot, entitled “Trust,” begins airing this evening and will run for a week in both Nashville and Chattanooga at a cost of over $100,000.

“Trust” is available here:

“Scott DesJarlais’ incredible hypocrisy is just staggering,” said Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of House Majority PAC. “Tennesseans deserve better than Scott DesJarlais, for whom touting the values of trust and faith was nothing more than lip service.”