Katko Forces His Beliefs On New Yorkers – New HMP Ad In NY-24

October 27, 2014

Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC today announced the release of the following television ad:

District: NY-24

Title: “Force”

Video: http://www.thehousemajoritypac.com/our-work/new-york/john-katko-force

Media market(s): Syracuse broadcast

Start date: 10/27/2014

Amount: $175,196 for the duration of the cycle.

“John Katko has made it clear he wants to force his beliefs on the voters of the 24thCongressional District,” said Matt Thornton, Communications Director for House Majority PAC. “From opposing a woman’s right to choose to restricting access to birth control to allowing employers to pay women less, Katko’s beliefs are dangerous for women.”