capitol building

MEMO: Democrats Growing The Economy, But GOP Extremism Threatens Progress And Reproductive Freedoms

July 31, 2023

TO: Interested Parties

FROM: House Majority PAC

DATE: July 31, 2023

RE: Democrats Growing The Economy, But GOP Extremism Threatens Progress And Reproductive Freedoms

In January 2021 President Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats inherited a deeply damaged economy, and immediately went to work. The result?  A growing middle class, record job growth, lower costs, and for the first time in 3 years – income is growing faster than inflation.  

Leading up to Election Day 2024, it is imperative for Democrats to tout their accomplishments on a local and national level. Economic contrast research projects conducted by HMP have shown repeatedly that Democrats dramatically improved their position when they went on offense to talk about the economy. Go on offense, and build the contrast with the MAGA House Republicans immediately. 

Democrats Are Growing The Economy And Middle Class

TOPLINE: Bidenomics and economic policies championed by House Democrats are growing the middle class, strengthening our economy, lowering costs, and boosting domestic manufacturing.

House Republican Extremism Is Pushing America Towards Disaster

TOPLINE: Under the leadership of Kevin McCarthy, extremist House Republicans have held the American economy hostage and have repeatedly threatened economic progress while supporting an extreme MAGA agenda that would ban abortion nationwide. 
