New Ad Shines a Light on Rossi’s Support for Higher Health Care Costs

October 30, 2018

Washington, DC – Today, House Majority PAC launched a new TV ad shining a light on Dino Rossi’s health care record and his support for repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

In Olympia, Rossi sided with drug companies to stall a bill that would have lowered drug prices, and he even voted against a bill that required state health care plans to buy cheaper, generic prescription drugs. On top of this, Rossi supports repealing the ACA, which would allow insurance companies to gut protections for people living with pre-existing conditions.  

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Lifestyle” begins airing on cable and broadcast today in the Seattle media market.

“From higher taxes to higher health care costs, Dino Rossi has made it clear, he’s not standing up for Washingtonians,” said House Majority PAC Press Secretary Hannah Blatt. “Instead, he’s siding with drug and insurance companies to make sure hardworking families get stuck with the bill. Voters can’t afford to send Dino Rossi to Congress where he’d make sure the middle class pays more for their health care.”