New Ad Spotlights Steve Knight’s Disastrous Record on Social Security
August 21, 2018
Washington, DC – Today, House Majority PAC launched a new TV ad in CA-25 slamming Congressman Steve Knight for calling Social Security a bad idea and wholeheartedly supporting a budget that would slash Medicare by nearly $500 billion while voting to jeopardize Social Security.
The TV spot titled “Bad Idea” begins airing on cable today in the Los Angeles media market with a buy of nearly $430,000 behind it.
“Steve Knight’s record speaks for itself – he’s not looking out for hardworking families or Southern California communities,” said House Majority PAC Press Secretary Hannah Blatt. “With his words and actions Knight has turned his back on older Americans. He’s shown outright disdain for essential programs, like Social Security and Medicare, that seniors have earned and depend on. California can’t afford Steve Knight and his devastating agenda in Congress.”
Steve Knight has consistently voted against the needs of his constituents. He voted for a budget that would slash Medicare by nearly $500 billion and voted to jeopardize Social Security. On top of this, Knight has voted party line for a disastrous GOP health care bill and a tax plan that hurts hardworking middle-class families.