New IA-04 Poll Shows Overwhelming Majority Doesn’t Think Congressman Steve King Deserves Reelection
January 25, 2012
The House Majority PAC today released a new Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll that shows Congressman Steve King in serious jeopardy of losing reelection.
In Iowa’s 4th District, only 48% of voters think Congressman Steve King deserves to be reelected, while 52% think it’s time for someone new. Congressional Republicans have a 40/44 favorability rating and King’s approval rating is 42%, well below the 50% mark generally considered safe for incumbents. King leads Christie Vilsack only 49-43 and trails her both with independents (48-37) and with voters who don’t live in his current 5th district (48-42)
“For the past year, Congressman Steve King and House Republicans have done everything in their power to fight for tax breaks for the richest one percent at the expense of Medicare for seniors and jobs for middle class families,” said Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of the House Majority PAC. “This November, Congressman King and House Republicans will have to answer back home for their backwards priorities and failure to fight for middle class families.”
Public Policy Polling conducted this survey on behalf of House Majority PAC between January 18th and 20th. In IA-4, 974 registered voters were interviewed with a margin of error of +/-3.1%. To learn more, visit the House Majority PAC website.
The latest polling numbers in Congressman King’s Congressional District come the same week a United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll shows Democrats nationally with an 11-point lead over Republicans in a generic ballot question asked to registered voters.