New Poll Shows Rahall Expanding Lead
June 5, 2014
Washington, D.C. – The House Majority PAC today announced the results of its latest tracking poll in West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District showing Congressman Nick Rahall leading his challenger, Evan Jenkins, 52-39. This is a one-point gain for Rahall from our April tracking poll, which had Rahall winning 52-40.
Conducted May 26-28 by Fred Yang of Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group, this live-call poll surveyed 403 likely voters. This poll has a margin of error of +/-5%.
“West Virginians continue to see through the Koch brothers’ attempts to smear Congressman Rahall and boost their agenda via their chosen candidate, Evan Jenkins,” said Matt Thornton, Communications Director for House Majority PAC. “Presented with a clear choice, voters are opting for Rahall’s years of unwavering support of West Virginia over Jenkins’s Democrat-turned-Republican-