New TV Ad Featuring Republican Calling Out Barr for His Disastrous Health Care Record

October 16, 2018

Washington, DC – Today, House Majority PAC launched a new TV ad in KY-06 featuring a Republican constituent calling out Congressman Andy Barr for his “enthusiastic” vote for a disastrous health care bill that hurt Kentuckians and benefitted the insurance and financial interests that bankroll his campaign.

 Andy Barr took millions from insurance and financial interests and voted “enthusiastically” for a health care bill that would take away coverage from hardworking families and impose a punishing “Age Tax” on older Kentuckians. According to AARP, the plan would allow insurance companies to charge Americans aged 50-64 up to five times more than younger consumers.  

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Outrageous,” will begin running on broadcast and cable today in the Lexington media market with a buy of approximately $209,000 behind it.

“Andy Barr is a rubber stamp for the special interests and the toxic Washington agenda,” said House Majority PAC Press Secretary Hannah Blatt. “He’s throwing Kentuckians under the bus – voting to raise premiums, gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and charge older Kentuckians an ‘age tax.’ It’s simple: Andy Barr isn’t looking out for hardworking families, and voters will hold him accountable for this in November.”