New TV Ad Slamming Yoder for Siding with Washington Special Interests Over Kansans
October 16, 2018
Washington, DC – Today, House Majority PAC launched a new TV ad in KS-03 slamming career politician Kevin Yoder for siding with special interests over hardworking Kansans.
Kevin Yoder voted for the devastating GOP health care plan and took nearly half a million dollars from insurance interests. The health care bill would gut protections for people living with pre-existing conditions and impose a punishing “Age Tax” on older Kansans. According to AARP, the plan would allow insurance companies to charge Americans aged 50-64 five times more than younger consumers.
In KS-03, the ad, titled “No Place,” will begin running on broadcast today in the Kansas City media market with a buy of approximately $419,000 behind it.
“Kevin Yoder has gone Washington – voting to gut protections for people living with pre-existing conditions and increase health care costs on hardworking Kansans,” said House Majority PAC Press Secretary Hannah Blatt. “He sides with the special interest donors who fill his campaign coffers over the middle class. It’s clear, Yoder’s not doing the job Kansas voters sent him to Washington to do.”