NY-18: House Majority PAC Congratulates Sean Patrick Maloney

November 5, 2014

Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC congratulates Representative Sean Patrick Maloney on his reelection in New York’s Eighteenth Congressional District.

“Voters once again rejected the partisan politics of Nan Hayworth despite her best efforts to buy this congressional seat for herself,” said Ali Lapp, Executive Director of House Majority PAC. “House Majority PAC was proud to play a part in making sure Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney will be able to continue his work in Washington fighting for the middle class.”

HMP ran an ad for two weeks starting two months from Election Day that highlighted Hayworth’s tea party agenda and vote to defund Planned Parenthood. HMP conducted an additional poll in late September and reserved the final three weeks in NY cable.  The final ad focused on Hayworth’s partisanship and ties to the Tea Party. 

HMP spent the following in this district: $1,371,731

HMP aired the following ads in this district:

“X-Ray”: http://www.thehousemajoritypac.com/our-work/new-york/nan-hayworth-x-ray


“Pride”:  http://www.thehousemajoritypac.com/our-work/new-york/nan-hayworth-pride