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NY War Room: Mazi Pilip Runs Away From Abortion Question

December 14, 2023

New York, NY – In her first interview as the GOP nominee for NY-03, Mazi Pilip ran away from the tough questions, specifically about her stance on abortion rights.

When asked by the New York Times, “she declined to discuss her policy positions in depth” and “when Ms. Pilip was asked to state her position on a national abortion ban, a spokesman for the Nassau County Republican Party cut in to say that the candidate did not intend to ‘get through the whole platform here.’”

“It’s clear that Mazi Pilip is not fit for office as she runs away from a simple question and campaigns with MAGA Mike Johnson, who has pushed for a nationwide abortion ban with no exceptions,” HMP NY Press Secretary Alisha Heng said. “New Yorkers will not vote for anti-choice MAGA extremist candidate Mazi Pilip who can not even confirm if she’ll protect their basic rights.”
