capitol building

NY War Room: Mike Lawler, Marc Molinaro, And Brandon Williams Silent As Government Funding Set To Run Out In 30 Days

October 17, 2023

New York, NY – While House Republicans are busy imploding from within and embarrassing themselves on the national stage, we are just 30 days away from a government shutdown.

Instead of working for the interests of New Yorkers and the American people, Mike Lawler, Marc Molinaro, and Brandon Williams are playing games with our national security as they scramble to find a Speaker. 

In only 30 days, 1.3 million active-duty troops will be forced to go to work protecting our country without pay and millions of Americans will lose access to critical government services including housing and nutrition.

“Mike Lawler, Marc Molinaro, and Brandon Williams are holding our country hostage from progress, and they should feel ashamed for playing petty political games while a ticking time bomb of government funding looms over everyday working Americans,” said HMP New York Press Secretary Dora Pekec. “New York Republicans have shown us time after time that they truly couldn’t care less about us, and will always choose politics over people.”
