Republican Bob Dold Vulnerable in IL-10 Reelection Bid
August 16, 2012
House Majority PAC/SEIU Poll Shows Dold Under 50 Percent, Tied with Democrat Schneider
Washington, D.C. – A new poll conducted for House Majority PAC and SEIU found Republican Bob Dold clearly vulnerable in his reelection effort in Illinois’ 10th District. The survey found Dold running even with Democrat Brad Schneider at 46 percent apiece. When survey respondents were read balanced, positive paragraphs about each candidate, Schneider leaped to a 53-42 percent lead.
An analysis memo from the polling firm, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, is available .
“Bob Dold is in serious trouble because he is seriously out of step with Illinois,” said Alixandria Lapp, Executive Director of House Majority PAC. “After all, Dold voted to end Medicare as we know it – forcing seniors to pay more out of pocket for care, to defund Planned Parenthood – even though it serves tens of thousands of Illinoisans a year – and to give members of Congress taxpayer-subsidized health care for life.”
The poll of 400 likely voters in IL-10 was conducted August 8-12. It has a margin of error of 4.9 percent.