The Economic Cost Of Rep. Dave Joyce’s Government Shutdown? $20 Billion – And Counting

October 16, 2013

Washington, D.C. – At the hands of Rep. Dave Joyce, the federal government shutdown has now extended into its third week. And the cost to our economy of the shutdown Dave Joyce forced on northeast Ohio and the entire country? $20 billion and counting!

Yesterday, economist Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics – who once served as an advisor to Republican John McCain – told CNN that the government shutdown has cost our economy $20 billion – a number that grows every single day.

“Dave Joyce should be ashamed of himself,” said Andy Stone, Communications Director for House Majority PAC. “Joyce may pretend to champion fiscal prudence, but in forcing a disruptive government shutdown that’s cost our economy $20 billion, Joyce has made it clear he’s more interested in politics than in doing what’s right for northeast Ohio.”