The Wealthy Look Out For Each Other In New HMP MN-08 Ad

October 23, 2014

Washington, D.C. – House Majority PAC today announced the release of the following television ad:

District: MN-08

Title: “Billionaires”


Media market(s): Minneapolis broadcast

Start date: 10/24/2014

Amount*: $88,442 for the remainder of this week ending 10/27.

“The Koch brothers are spending giant piles of cash to make sure Stewart Mills makes it to Washington, but their support is not free,” said Matt Thornton, Communications Director for House Majority PAC. “The Koch brothers closed a plant in Duluth, laying off 140 workers, and Stewart Mills wants even more tax breaks for them. The wealthy win – Minnesota voters lose.”

*Amounts are given in weekly increments and do not denote the total amount to be spent to air an ad for its full run.