Two New Ads Spotlight MacArthur’s Key Role in Raising Taxes and Increasing Health Care Costs
August 28, 2018
Washington, DC – Today, House Majority PAC launched two new TV ads in NJ-03. These ads remind voters that time and again Tom MacArthur has put his party and their toxic agenda ahead of the hardworking New Jersey families he’s supposed to represent.
The first ad, titled “Angry,” showcases just how outraged NJ-03 constituents are at Tom MacArthur for his leadership role in passing the disastrous GOP health care plan. He was the chief architect of an amendment that would jeopardize health care for people with pre-existing conditions. The health care bill would also impose a devastating “Age Tax” that would allow insurance companies to charge older Americans up to five times more than younger consumers.
The second ad, titled “Taxes,” reminds voters that MacArthur was a key vote and the only New Jersey Representative to support the GOP tax plan. This raises taxes on the middle class and takes away critical deductions including the ability to deduct all state, local and property taxes that thousands of New Jerseyans rely on.
The ads begin running on cable and broadcast in the Philadelphia media market and on cable in the New York City media market today with a buy of over $435,000 behind them.
“Tom MacArthur puts himself ahead of hardworking New Jersey families and their pocketbooks,” said House Majority PAC Press Secretary Hannah Blatt. “Every chance MacArthur gets, he sells out the middle class. From skyrocketing health care costs to higher taxes, New Jerseyans have MacArthur to blame. Voters are angry at MacArthur for pushing this self-serving agenda, and they’ve made it clear that he won’t get a free pass any longer.”